Bedtime stories with animals
Are the kids asking for a bedtime with animals? You find free stories about animals to read at bedtime here. Kids loves a good bedtime story and if it includes small funny, sweet or perhaps even a bit dangerous animals it's even better.
Tyven og Hunden
En tyv, som var kommet for at stjæle i et hus, forsøgte på at få hunden til at tie ved at kaste brødstumper til den Read more
Little Claus and Big Claus
This story by H.C. Andersen uses sarcasm and exaggeration as tools to convey a humorous tale about the disparity between two people both named Claus. One is rich... Read more
The Nightingale
This tale takes place in China where the Emperor hears rumors of a songbird in his royal gardens that has the most spectacular songs. The Emperor is enthralled... Read more
The Ugly Duckling
This is one of the most beloved tales from H.C. Andersen. It’s inspiring message of change and maturing speaks to you on so many levels. It’s about an... Read more
Hunden og Haren
Efter at en Hund længe havde jaget en hare, nåede den den endelig, og begyndte først at bide og siden at slikke den. Read more
Myren og Duen
En myre kom til en kilde for at slukke sin tørst, faldt i vandet og var nær ved at drukne. Men en due redder den ... Read more
The wolf and the kid
There was once a little Kid whose growing horns made him think he was a grown-up Billy Goat and able to take care of himself. Read more
Løven og Tyrene
Tre Tyre græssede sammen på marken i største fred og venskab, en løve havde udset sig dem som aftensmad, men hvordan klarer man lige den? Read more
Løven og musen
Nogle gange kan selv de mindste og uanseelige dyr og væsner hjælpe selv de største og stærkeste, prøv selv at læs her Read more
Løven, Bjørnen og Ræven
En løve og en bjørn kæmper en drabelig kamp om et bytte, men hvem vinder og hvem må gå sulten videre? Read more
The eagle and the jackdaw
An Eagle, swooping down on powerful wings, seized a lamb in her talons and made off with it to her nest. Read more
Stories about animals
Kids love animals and stories with and about animals. Just think of Disney - every adult an all children know characters from Disney. Mice, horses, cats, sneaky foxes and other exciting species, represents goodness, kindness and the less flattering qualities also found in us humans. The animals represent humans and although they may be very caricatured, we can probably all see some of us selves or others in the roles of the animals.
Bedtime stories about dogs, cats and other beloved animals
Here in Denmark we love our dogs, cats and other pets and yes, that probably applies all over the world :-) But in addition to bedtime stories about dogs and cats (which we are working to get), stories and fairy tales are often about animals and often it is animals like lions, wolves and other intriguing and dangerous animals. The animals often have roles in the stories adapted to our perception of them, or perhaps our perception of them has partly arisen from their roles in the stories? In any case, lions are often mighty, wolves and foxes cunning and evil. Mice also often find a role as the little one who overcomes big challenges.
Animals have a very special role in many of the fables - here we have created a category where you can read some of the many good fables, small short stories with morals.
Godnathistorie.nu is mobile-optimized and is therefore suitable when you want to read free goodnight stories on iPad, mobile, tablet or PC.