Fairy tales
We’ve made a collection of fairy tales, primarily by H.C. Andersen and The Brother’s Grimm for you to read to your kids as a bedtime story, or however you see fit. We’d appreciate it tremendously if you’d rate the stories, after having read them.
The Fir Tree
This sad tale is about a small Fir tree that dreams of getting out of the forest and into a home to be decorated. After many years the... Read more
The Brave Tin Soldier
A tin soldier with only one leg falls in love with a breathtaking dancer. Unfortunately, he loses out on the opportunity to confess his love before he by... Read more
The little match Girl
This well known fairy tale from H.C. Andersen speaks of the fate of the poorest people in our world. It’s about the poor young girl who fails to... Read more
Little Claus and Big Claus
This story by H.C. Andersen uses sarcasm and exaggeration as tools to convey a humorous tale about the disparity between two people both named Claus. One is rich... Read more
The Little Red Riding Hood
The Little Red Riding Hood is told by her mother to bring a basket of cake and wine to her grandmother who has fallen ill. With her grannie... Read more
Cinderella loses her mother and not long after her father remarries to an evil woman who has two evil children. They all look down upon her and force... Read more
Clumsy Hans
This tale from H.C. Andersen is about Clumsy Hans, who, with his two well educated brothers compete to woo the Princess. The King’s daughter wishes to marry a... Read more
The Nightingale
This tale takes place in China where the Emperor hears rumors of a songbird in his royal gardens that has the most spectacular songs. The Emperor is enthralled... Read more
Hansel and Gretel
Hansel and Gretel is one of the most famous stories by the Brother’s Grimm and it tells the tale of two kids that gets kidnapped by a witch... Read more
Snow White
This enchanting tale from The Brothers Grimm is famous because of it’s depiction as a Disney Movie. In this story, Snow White, the princess, is attempted murdered by... Read more
The Tinder-box
The Tinder-Box is one of the most popular works by HC. Andersen. It tells the tale of a young soldier who meets and old witch on his travels,... Read more
The Ugly Duckling
This is one of the most beloved tales from H.C. Andersen. It’s inspiring message of change and maturing speaks to you on so many levels. It’s about an... Read more
The Swineherd
There once were a poor prince who wished to marry a princess. He sends her two astounding gifts - a beautiful rose and a lovely nightingale. However, the... Read more
The Princess and the Pea
A prince wishes to find and marry a Princess. And on a cold, wet and stormy night he gets a visit by a young woman who claims to... Read more
There once was a little bitty girl the size of a pinky finger named Thumbelina who lived with an elderly lady. One day she gets kidnapped by a... Read more
Sleeping Beauty
The King and Queen have gotten themselves a daughter and in the spirit of celebration, a giant celebration for the entire kingdom is planned. All the country’s fairies... Read more
The Little Mermaid
Far out in the ocean where the water is the clearest blue, lives the Sea King with his family. His daughter dreams about the world above the waters... Read more
The Story of a Mother
This is a very dark and sad tale by H.C. Andersen, which is not recommended as a bedtime story for your child. It’s about a mother’s grief at... Read more
Eventyr for børn online
Ja den er god nok, her finder du en samling af de gode klassiske eventyr fra f.eks. danske eventyr forfattere som H.C. Andersen mfl. som du kan læse for børnene.
Vi har været de fleste af teksterne igennem og har tilpasset sproget, så det er lidt mere nutidigt og først og fremmest lidt lettere at læse og forstå.
Korte eventyr historier
Der findes rigtigt mange eventyr, mange af dem er meget lange og derfor måske ikke så velegnede som godnathistorier, med mindre man selvfølgelig er ok med at dele dem op.
Vi har derfor lagt vores primære indsats i at få nogle korte eventyr historier her på siden, ok det skyldes nok også lidt at der er en del arbejde i, at omskrive dem til et mere nutidigt dansk.
Gode historier til børn
Når du nu er havnet her er det sikkert fordi du leder efter gode historier til børn, som du kan læse højt, evt. som ren og skær hygge eller måske er det som en godnathistorie. Uanset hvordan du er fundet herind, så er det sikkert at en god historie til børn kan være mange ting. Nogle af de klassiske eventyr er lidt uhyggelige og triste og det er værd at overveje om de er den rigtige historie ved sovetid. Et alternativ er vores fabler, eller vores godnathistorier med morale, som lægger lidt op til en kort snak om emnet efterfølgende. Disse er også ofte meget korte.